Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Confession #5

As stated in my last post...almost a YEAR ago...I totally suck. I did good at the whole idea of a blog for about 5 days, and then fell off the face of the planet. But guess what? I'M BACK! Round number two of a sure to fail blog. HAHAHA Failblog! Ok, maybe not as funny to anyone but me. But I laughed. In my head. Just a little though.

One might think that when you reach a certain age, irrational fears tend to go away. For everyone that age will be different. Some might say by the time you reach school age, you should understand the difference between things that are real and things that are not. Certainly by the time you reach Middle School, mostly only rational fears will linger. And most definitely by the time you reach high school, all fears of the irrational category have long disappeared. Then there are the select few who drag those dumb, irrational fears with them into adulthood.

I debated whether or not to tell this story, as you see, I would like to keep my dignity in tact. But then I recalled a blog post that I wrote about a year ago, and decided that any bit of dignity that I may have had left at the time, was already tainted after that confession. So what the heck.  

This is not going to be a long story, nor is it super funny, at least probably not to other people other than me, but it is necessary to tell.

I was about three years old. I remember my mom being in the bath tub, and I don't remember why I was in the bathroom with her but I was. Probably just a little girls curiosity, wanting to be where mommy is. She was finishing up with her bath and pulled on the drain to let the water out. She started screaming and thrashing herself around in the water saying that the drain was sucking her in! I cried and balled tried pulling on her to get her out of the drain! Of course she was just faking it, sticking her toe in it to make it look like it was sucking her in. What a butt! Before this I remember watching a Freddy Krueger movie where is starts to come out of a drain to kill the girl. I thought that was what was happening to my mom!

My this day, at 23 years old, my irrational fear of tub drains lingers. I hate them. When showering, I avoid placing my feet over the drain at all costs. Or even near the drain for that matter. I am not a 3 year old girl anymore, I know that I can not get sucked it, yet I'm still scared. Stupid? Irrational? Probably. But I cant help it darn it!!


exclusive_remedy said...

Hehe. So funny. I am the same way about outhouses though. I don't like them. I HATE them. But I don't have a fun story to go along with it. At least you have that. :D

Jasmine said...

I don't like outhouses either! You know that. But I do have a story to go along with that...maybe I will have to add that to my list. I'm pretty sure I have already told you that story.....

MD said...

you girls are funny and I miss you both

gensher said...


and no, there is no age or time for leaving fears behind - rational or otherwise. :)